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Summary of Question:Discipline & Consistency
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 10/06/2005 5:03 PM MDT

Sat Nam

Creating a consistent and disciplined life is truly a challenge. The first thing is to remember that it is not that it is difficult for YOU to be discplined, it is difficult for your habits to change. Most of our life is run automatically by our habits. We are all discplined in the response to our habits. The goal is to change our habits to be those of Guru Nanak.

It is often recommended that you set a goal of a certain number of days to try out a new discpline or habit. Try setting a goal to live within Rehit for 40 days. At the end of the 40 days, you may find that you are already adjusting to the new habits. Extend that to 90 days, then 120 days. Soon you will fine that your subconcious processes are being rewritten to accomodate Nam and Rehit. Keep up and the process will get deeper and more consistent over time. Your body and mind will come to thirst for Rehit, as opposed to it being a constant challenge.

You have the strength to control your own destiny.



its so easy doing your Nitnem & living in Rehit for alittle while(like days, a week if very lucky).

how do i maintain consistency & put an end to this stop & start process, its really getting me down.. im wasting my life

any guidance on maintaining consistency in keeping Rehit

Thank you

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