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Summary of Question:Tensed In Office
Date Posted:Friday, 10/27/2006 5:54 AM MDT

Thank you, for your great Job!

hope you can help me out on the following problem:-

I work in a multinational company for the last 5 years and I love my job very much.
Above all I am the main bread winner in my family.

In my Office I am most of the time bullied by given to do more and more job.
I was already tight enough with handling one customer which i use to spend 9 to 10 hours a day to complete it (normal working hours are 8 hours a day)

Lately my company has been awarded with another customer ( a huge one).
My boss has passed it to me to handle it, with making a promise during my last annual (2005) appraisal that I will be upgraded. I have been handling it for the past 11 months and to date he did not upgrade me. More over he is being very rude to me every now and then infront of my colleagues which really embarasse me. Next appraisal (2006) is due next month. I see nothing from him yet, beside he putting me down always.

Above all he passes me the job of other dept. who are his good drinking freinds.
what ever others say he belives without doing a survey. What ever others cannot do or don't want to do he passes to me. And I am now spending almost 13 to 14 hours a day doing my work and his friends work. Even his friends are giving me instructions and passing what they dont want to do. when ever i want to get some information to proceed my job, i will kicked around like a ball, from one person to another person, to another person...... and so on.......

I have young children waiting for me at home. I feel so sorry for my kids and husband.

I am really very disappointed, i am alreay doing Dhan Dhan Sri Ram das Gur path,Japji Sahib, Rehras and mool mantar Daily.

Please get me a PAATH for me to get away from the above problem.

Thank you soooo mucccchhhhh

(REPLY) Sat Nam. How terrible! Sounds like real harassment and job discrimination. I assume there is no "Human Resources" department where you work, and no one higher up than your boss? (To whom you could appeal?) Do you think the boss wants to fire you? He probably would not want to lose you, because you're doing so much work, you're valuable. Do you dare ask him? I guess not. I know you are doing many of the banis, and that is excellent, but I would like to suggest that you focus on reciting Guru Gobind Singh's JAAP SAHIB at least twice a day. JAAP SAHIB give courage, majesty, strength, and is so powerful! Another thing you might consider is reciting the SOPURKH section of Rehiras 11 times a day -- it has worked wonders for women who needed to transform and tame the men in their lives! Meanwhile, silently bless your boss for his "kindness, and fairness" Yes, I mean it. It's known as the power of positive thinking and positive affirmation. As a woman, the power of your thoughts and prayers is tremendous. May God bless you and Guru guide you in all ways. SP

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