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Summary of Question:Re: Y I Chose Sikhism
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 3/01/2004 9:40 AM MST

I just wanted to say thankyou to all the people who developed the why i chose sikhism web site. Im from the Uk and left the house fearful everyday at the time when the sikh girls were being attacked, a few of my friends were attacked also. Letters produced about sikh girls deeply upset me as we were presented as something that is the complete opposite of what sikh girls are. I made an effort to educate myself about islam so i could explain to my sikh female friends y i choose sikhi, its good to know so may people chose to do the same. I emailed your message to all my sikh friends in hope that if their minds were ever tainted by what that one group of muslims did, they would no longer be.

I really appreciated the way islam wasnt slandered as when people try to make comparisons they often discriminate against the other religon.
I hope all of us sikhs can stick together, appreciate sikhi, appreciate each other religon and never be tainted by what the world has put us through.

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