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Summary of Question:Marriage To Muslims...Guru Gobind Singh
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 9/06/2001 3:43 AM MDT

Thanks for answering my second question. I asked If it was true that Guru Gobind Singh said it was wrong for any sikn man or women to form an intimate reltionship with a muslim. It is clear now that he did say this on Baisakhi day 1699.

I was very happy with the answer that u gave me that he did say this and it is part of the Dasma Granth the teachings of Gurur Gobind Singh. However it is not part of the Guru Granth which is our guru so there for not against our religion.

I have just one question remaining...Why did Guru Gobind Singh say this about Islam. Why was marriage in his words forbidden between sikhs and muslims. Why did he only target islam and not judaism, christiannity, hinduism, buddhism or any other religion. He only said relationships between muslims and sikhs were not allowed. What was his reason for targetting islam. And why did he say this ?

And in my own opinnion this is a very serious statement Guru Gobind Singh made. So there fore though the techings of the dasma granth are not part of our guru granth should this rule be adhered to? Though it is not part of our religion should the words of our tenth guru be followed.

In reallity this would cause many problems in the world, constant wars over this issue that is probably why he did not put his teching in the guru granth. But my question is why did he only target islam as the only religion we could not marry into. And should this rule be followed.

And Finally only recently i read a quote from guru gobind singh on a different website... i am unsure to the reliabillty of this site...and i can not resite the exact quote but it goes somethin like this..." we may not belive in any teaching of the qu'ran." is this true. Maybe this is also in the dasma granth.

It seems Guru Gobind Singh was heavily against the reltionship of sikhs and muslims and islam from what i can tell. Maybe i am wrong to say this because sikhism teches us peace and love for all man. Though in the time of his teachings we were in conflicts with muslims and this may have influenced his teachings. I would be most grateful if you could answer these questions.



Dear Sendeep:

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

Please see a post/reply posted 9/7/01 called "Guru Gobind Singh's Rehat-marrying non-Sikh" which I think will answer your queries above. I stand corrected somewhat on my previous reply to you, as you will see in the post above.

I want to add that the comment about intimate relations was not given on Baisakhi Day. It was made sometime during the battles that followed.

See that post above and if you have more questions, please let us know. Gur ang sang,

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Marriage To Muslims...Guru Gobind Singh (09/06/2001)
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