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Summary of Question:Why If The Wedding Ceremony Is So Special Does God Allow Divorces To Take Place?
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Saturday, 1/27/2007 7:36 PM MST

Why if the wedding ceremony is so special does God allow divorces to take place?

Even more so one could say is why does he allow the initial marriage / union of two people in the first place when it is doomed to fail? God is all knowing why does this happen so.

God Bless All

(REPLY) Sat Nam. What you are talking about "doomed to fail..." is Fate. We, as God's creatures were given choices, we can choose to avoid fate and through prayer, meditation, and aspiration, fulfill our higher Destiny. All of life's challenges are presented to us because we have earned the right to tackle them! Life on Earth is a school. If we learn our lessons, we can "graduate" -- otherwise, we keep being reborn to overcome the same obstacles in slightly different forms. We are not simply robots, with no free will, because the One God lives and breathes in us, giving us the opportunity in human form to discover the Divine Self -- to consciously merge with God. That is why our Shabd Guru, the Siri Guru Granth Sahib tells us to chant God's Name, so that we are constantly in touch with, attuned to the highest and best Truth and can act accordingly. SP

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Why If The Wedding Ceremony Is So Special Does God Allow Divorces To Take Place? (01/27/2007)
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