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Summary of Question:Interview
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 3/10/2006 9:25 AM MST

hi friends!

1st of all, I wanted to let you guys know that you all are doing such a wonderful!! job at everything at sikhnet. seriously, you all are such a inspiration in my life. Keep uf the fabulous work!

My question is not really related to sikhi but if you all can answer it, I would really appreciate it. I am going to be doing an interview for a professional school and for a professional degree very soon. And the problem is, I am very very very nervous adn scared about it. I cannot explain to you in words how much this chance means to me and how much getting a great job means to me and my parents. So, my question is-do you guys reccomend any padths or any tips/advice for my interview process? I have less than 3 weeks to prepare and so if you all can respond between that time, I would appreciate it. ANY help in this matter would be deeply appreciated. Keep up the GREAT work!

Thank you,
guru rakha.

(REPLY) Sat Nam. It's pretty normal and natural for most people to feel nervous before an interview. Just remember, fear is the opposite of faith, and the best thing I can think of to prepare for your interview is to feel, experience God and Guru with you with every breath. So, recite ANG SANG WAHE GURU as often and as many times as you can, every day, and remember it before, during your interview! It is a fact, that with each inhalation, God is reaffirming His presence in you. Be sure to recite Japji Sahib first thing in the morning to connect with your soul,and JAAP SAHIB will give you courage. Just put yourself in God's hands, and know that everything is in His Power and in His will, and pray to have faith. God bless you, and Guru guide you to fulfill your highest destiny! SP

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