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Summary of Question:Charge Card With Golden Temple Photo?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 2/18/2004 5:24 PM MST

Sat Sri Akal Ji:

Today in the mail we received a charge card offer from MBNA bank with
Golden Temple photo on it. I was very upset to see this. I called the toll free number and spoke to a supervisor. I let her know that I did not request this application at all and that I was very sad that the Golden Temple was not being respected. She told me that Sikh organization or group must have requested this photo and that is why MBNA is offering it.
Am I wrong to feel that this is disrespect to our Golden Temple.? I do not understand why my heart is aching so much? Forgive me if I am wrong.

Sat Siri Akaal. First of all, in this world no one has to request a credit card application; they show up unbidden and unrequested because somehow folks get our names and send us applications. If you don't want them, tear them up before throwing them in the trash.
You are sad because the Mother Temple of all Sikhs is being used for profiteering. I understand. The lady you spoke to at MBNA spoke truly, someone thought it would be a marketing technique to get Sikhs/Indians excited about (another?) charge card to rack up debt on. I have to say I bet there are Sikhs out there who think it is a great way to let folks know about Sikhs and our heritage in the Golden Temple. Imagine giving it to someone to buy something, and they look at the picture and say, 'how beautiful' and next thing you know, someone has learned that Sikhs exist and have a beautiful and sacred temple open to all. So, there are two sides to this issue. What the individual Sikh does with it is up to him/her. Guru ang sang,


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Charge Card With Golden Temple Photo? (02/18/2004)
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