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Summary of Question:Need Guidance
Date Posted:Friday, 12/03/2004 6:25 PM MST

dear sir/ madam, really need some help on this accident happened with my 8 years old child. he on telling his friend saw some adult stuff on internet , though i caught them but he had already seen the stuff. by my bad luck my computer was not locked by password. though i tried to tell my son as this things are not good and should not be seen , who ever may tell them. but worried that the images he saw dosent enter his mind as he is only 8 years. really worried please help me in this matter .

Sat Siri Akaal. This is a good lesson for you. If you are so worried about your son then why have this stuff available in the first place, locked computer or not? Why not block such sites entirely on your home computer?

The more energy you give to this matter, the more the child's curiosity will be stimulated. Your best course of action is to continue on as if it didn't happen -- unless he continues to ask you about what he saw. Then you will have to be creative in your response, but do not show him how upset you are because that may make him try to learn it anyway (kind of a child psychology approach). If nothing more is said of it by him, then leave the whole thing alone. And block those sites!

I cannot say if those images will stay in his mind, at 8 years old. It depends on how aware he is of such things, generally, which is a function of how much TV and what kind he already watches, and what he sees at home/around him. Guru ang sang,

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