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Summary of Question:How Can I Become Annorexic?
Date Posted:Thursday, 1/01/2004 4:35 AM MST

How does a person know if he or she has the tendancy to become annorexic?

Here are some things one should keep in mind:

- Is the person depriving her or himself food to point of being unhealthy?
- Does the person eat and then throw up what they have eaten?
- Has the person lost appetite?
- Is the person hungry, but doesn't eat?
- Do they hide food, hoping that everyone will think they are eating?
- Does the person see themselves as being "fat", even though there is no fat on the body? Can you see the ribs? Are they skinny?
- Is the skin yellow or gray? Are the teeth bad from the acid of throwing up?
- Are the person's jaws enlarged from the vomiting?
- Is the person obcessed with their weight and constantly talk about how fat they are?

This can be a very serious condition. The hair will start to fall out. If the person is vomiting their food, they will start to vomit up blood from the leisons in the tissues. The organs will shut down and eventually the person will die. If you or any one you know show signs of this disorder, seek help. Tell someone that you think will listen. Usually the person with the disorder is in denial and will probably even resent your concern. Its better to do something then do be sorry too late. The person can recover with a good counselor, determination, patience, a lot of love and Grace. GTKK

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How Can I Become Annorexic? (01/01/2004)
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