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Summary of Question:Re:Married But Alone - Confusion
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 9/29/2004 7:26 PM MDT

The individual in your last posting offered this quote.

kavan so vayso ha-o karee jit vas aavai kant. ||126||
kavan so akhar kavan gun kavan so manee-aa mant.
nivan so akhar khavan gun jihbaa manee-aa mant.
ay tarai bhainay vays kar taaN vas aavee kant. ||127||
What is that word, what is that virtue, and what is that magic mantra?
What are those clothes, which I can wear to captivate my Husband Lord? ||126||
Humility is the word, forgiveness is the virtue, and sweet speech is the magic mantra.
Wear these three robes, O sister, and you will captivate your Husband Lord. ||127||
Am I wrong but are we misinterpeting this? These type of lines have nothing to do with marriage. They are poetic forms which help us understand our relationship to God. They are not saying that our "Husband Lord" is our acutal husband that we married. But rather they are reffering to God.


Sat Sri Akal,

You are right. The Husband Lord here refers to God.

Gur Fateh,

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