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Summary of Question:Change
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 10/20/2008 11:12 AM MDT

started university last month.these last 2 years i have been building a strong relationship with Guru Ji i stopped eating meat last year and i have also decided to stop cutting my hair too and i think this was because i had been reading alot of simran and i felt i needed to better myself and i am still on that path and one day soon i want to take amrit so i had thought until uni strted.however ever since i started uni i feel that its become a big obstacle in my path i dont go out to clubs nor do i want to but i mean nowadays appearence seems to hold importance i dont want to cut my hair im strong abt that but like i find myself putting make up on or straightening my hair alot.i was never like this before at all and i felt at school and college i could wear whatever and just be simple n plain n now all of a sudden i see these other girls.and i dont like this at all sometimes i cry about it bcs i feel my relationship is weakenign with guru ji and i feel iv changed not inside but my outer appearence and i dont want that and iv tried not to care abt my apprence but it doesnt work.and i just dont know what to i give in to societys rules of what a person should look like or should i fight this?

thank you for your kind help.

There is a lot of social pressure at uni. Pressure is not a bad thing. That is what turns a worthless lump of coal into a diamond. They are both simply carbon, but one has been under great pressure and so acquires great value. Just so, Guru Ji puts you under pressure so you can become His diamond. You can either crumble under the pressure, or you can crystalize yourself under the pressure. It does not matter what anyone else does or does not do. This is between you and your own higher consciousness. It is NOW that you can experience your own calibre and grit. So develop your daily routine and stick to it whether you are up or down, happy or sad, emotional or relaxed... just be steady. You have one true friend in this life and that is your own self-discipline. It will see you through thick and thin. Keep up through all the tests of time and space and live in your own excellence as a daughter of Guru Gobind Singh. That is your identity.

In the Name of the Guru, the Light of every Sikh, and the Holy Naam which holds the world.


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