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Summary of Question:What's The Diference Between Oankar And Omkar??
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 7/10/2002 3:31 PM MDT

I am quite familiar with Gurbani and am fluent in Gurmukhi.I know what KAR means (doer/cause).What is the difference in meaning between Oang and Om?A Giani once told me that Om is born from Vayu Mandal (elemental plane of air).So Omkar does not refer to Akal Purukh, but Oankar is not born of anything.Surely both Omkar and Oankar are just Sanskriti and Gurmukhi respectively.They both mean the same, no?

As far as I know Om refers to Everything.The following is an extract from Mandukya Upanishad:-

"Om.This syllable (akshara) is this whole world.Its further explanation is:
The past, the present, and the future - everything is but the sound Om.
And whatever else that transcends triple time - that, too, is but the sound

So is it wrong to pronounce Ek Oankar as Omkar?

(REPLY) In Sanscrit (the most ancient of all written languages), when the sound "K" is preceded by "M" - the "M" must change to "NG" Thus "Ek Ong Kar" (not ek om kar) is correct from a simple grammatical basis. As far as the meaning is concerned, Om or (AUM) refers to the In-finite (yes, it includes all and everything, but is not actively involved with the creation) whereas the word ONG represents God as Creator. We, as creatures can relate directly to our Creator, but chanting OM will take us out of the creation, rather than bringing that Divinity down here into our lives. It has been said that if you want to live the life of an ascetic, and give up all your worldly possessions, then fine, chant OM! But as Sikhs, we do not deny life, we accept all that God gives us and ideally use it to make the world a better place for our having lived in it. Blessings, SP

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What's The Diference Between Oankar And Omkar?? (07/10/2002)
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