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Summary of Question:Sat Siri Akaal Vs. Wgjk, Wgjf
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Thursday, 9/05/2002 10:05 AM MDT

sat sri akal ji..

i know i have sooooooo many questions..sorry to keep bothering you guyz all the time...i just love to ask question about what i m soo confused..and iknow i can't get help n e where only from waheguru or either from you guyz..i want to know why we say 'waheguru ji ka khalsa, waheguru ji ki fateh' different does it make from sat sri akal..i know it means ki khalsa is of waheguru and fateh is of waheguru..but why we say it b4 we begin our conversation or something..and i have one more question..when we do paat right..n e paat..lets suppose that i go to gurughar and do read Sri Guru Granth Sahib..but while i m reading i don't undersand every single word..and when i don't then i don't understand the meaning of the can i improve that..i know it will be done with the big kirpa of waheguru..and while i m reading my mind wonders in some disgusting thoughts which shouldn't come in gurughar..and while doing paat..then i get distracted and when those thoughts come in my mind i say word "waheguru"..but what i wanna it ok..doesn't it mean that i m a papi i shouldn't be reading Granth Sahib ji..i mean is it a sign from waheguru for me not to read it..plzz do help me and let me know..thankyou ji
rub rakha
guru ki dhool

Sat Siri Akaal. You have answered it yourself: Guru's Kirpa, or grace, governs your practice. Say Waheguru when your mind wanders and let Waheguru transmute the thoughts. Keep up. Study the posts and replies on this forum; all your answers are here.

Sat Siri Akaal is a greeting for all Sikhs. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh is the greeting from Amritdhari Sikhs to Amritdhari Sikhs, though it is perfectly OK to greet any Sikhs this way.
Guru ang sang,

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Sat Siri Akaal Vs. Wgjk, Wgjf (09/05/2002)
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