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Summary of Question:I Stopped Believin In God Is That Good?
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Friday, 2/20/2004 8:17 PM MST

hey. ssa. i just wanted to say that 4 years ago i feel in love with this guy, i still love him he was jatt sikh too just like me. i loved him a lot but unfortuntely he never loved me, but always told me that he did. when i found out that he never loved me. i used to cry every day and night because i had loved him a lot and i know that i have. everyone used to tell me that everything will turn out to be good. just believe in god and pray. i did everything i could to have him. but then nothing happened the guy i loved started hating me. He went to INDIA and got married. now hez married. and i stopped believing in GOD and i stopped trusting anyone. so basically ma Qs.

1) is whoz fault was it that he left me and got married to someone else?
2) will i ever fall in love again?
3) My parents want me to get married but i dont want to, because im still waiting for that one guy is it right for me to still wait for him?
4) Is there any way that i can get out of all this. other than killing me and getting away from myself?
PLEASE HELP.. i read all the Qs. and your responses on here. so i thought you could help me out. can you? please...
SSA... bye

(REPLY) Sat Nam. It's very easy to "believe" in God when we get what we want. That is not faith. God arranges our lives according to what we need to LEARN! We are here on this planet Earth to pay off our karma from past lives, to become KHALSA -- "Pure beings" so that we can experience the REALITY of our identity as souls who are temporarily living in these bodies, having various experiences. What is meant to be, what ever your destiny is supposed to be, that is what is going to happen. Meanwhile, don't blame anybody. This "Love" you thought you had was emotional, and emotions are not reality. Unfortunately many men will tell a woman they love her, but that is a "hook" -- a convenient way for them to get what they want. Don't waste your precious human life in this pit of despair, but pull yourself up by your bookstraps and start reading your banis every day start trying to understand the purpose of life though the words of the Guru, stop feeling sorry for yourself, and see what you can do to make this world a better place for your having lived and breathed on it. Are you crippled? Blind? Deaf? Starving, without shelter? Well, milliions of people are. Be grateful that you are alive and well, and study so that you can make something decent of your life. May God and Guru bless you with wisdom, courage, and GRACE. SP

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