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Summary of Question:Why So Many Groups Serving The Same Purpose?
Date Posted:Monday, 7/01/2002 11:26 PM MDT

Sat Sri akal,

you have been one of the leading sites which has been imparting good quality of education about sikhism and clearing all kinds of doubts, our young generation is having in their minds.
One thing which always makes me to think, we see everywhere, lot of people are doing sewa, meditation, helping poor or so and so. but they are not one. even they do not agree on others. they do the work at their own and one's association. the basic thing is that they all are doing for sikhism but they are not united. every group has their own "Jatha" and they do according to their wishes. when we all are sikh then why we do not come together holding one place esteemed and obey it. In india we can see, different sikh organisations are working. Sometimes, we want to involve ourself in good deeds for our religion, but do not know which association/organisation is relevant or true in its spirit. even children ask us, why this sikh is naamdhari and other is missionary and other is ........
please reply

Sat Siri Akaal. So, why don't all these organizations that have the same goals unite? Practically speaking, because of ego, funding, and internal or external politics. Funding is sometimes based on one family or clan or religious group that wants ITS name associated with the good deeds involved. Internal politics of an organziation can prevent it from working with other organizations. External politics plays a huge factor. There are Muslim and SIkh organizations out there doing the same kind of service, but perhaps, only to Muslims, or only to Sikhs. Or perhaps they wouldn't think of working together because of 400 years of friction between Muslims & Sikhs.

If you are asking why SIkhnet doesn't unite them all, we cannot. That is not our purpose. We are here as a portal to the Sikh world and the whole world as it involves Sikhs, not the chief Sikh organizer of the planet. If you are asking us which organizations are 'trustworthy', Sikhnet stands by Sikhnet, but is not in the business of rating such groups.

Look on the bright side. Better that these organizations are reaching people in need, separately, rather than NOT AT ALL. Perhaps with so many organizations reaching different segments of the population, more people are being served than we think!
Guru ang sang

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