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Summary of Question:Amrit Ceremony
Category:General Q's from Non-Sikhs
Date Posted:Wednesday, 4/13/2005 9:24 AM MDT

I'm doing a project on the khalsa in RE and I was wondering if anyone could tell me what it felt like when you are in the ceremony. Thankyou

(REPLY) Sat Nam. I imagaine that the experience is different for each person, and I can only tell you what it felt like for me. Having observed several Amrit Ceremonies which were blissful meditative experiences, I have to say that when I took Amrit, it was far from that! I prayed during the whole ceremony, which seemed to take forever, "God, please make this REAL." There were about 35 people, so it did take quite a while. Unfortunately, I wasn't feeling well, it was cold and damp up in northern California and I was cold,and feeling slightly sick to my stomach, and couldn't wait for it to be over. HOWEVER: and this is what is important: For weeksand weeks afterwards I felt like I was walking on air! It was like being in love, really being in love for the first time. That kind of euphoria. Taking Amrit was a real experience all right! Something changed in me. The main feeling I had was of gratitude, that I had come home --- and perhaps even more important, I didn't feel, "Oh look at me, I've taken Amrit" it didn't make me feel that I was superior to anyone else. I know many Sikhs, and I don't know who has taken Amrit and who hasn't, but I know it's none of my business. It's a very personal and individual experience between the Sikh and his/her Guru.

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