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Summary of Question:Difficullt Partner
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Tuesday, 6/29/2004 2:01 AM MDT


I am very concerned at the moment, my husband travells alot with his work, and I have learnt last week that he has given me a sexually transmitted disease, I am yet to be tested for aids. I have tried to support him with his job, while he gose away I am at home looking after our 10 month old son and working. I would like to seperate as during our five year marriage he has continually cheated on me, but my sister is in the process of divorce and this would really push my parents to the limit.
I do part reguarly, but he is not in to sikhi at any level, which is very dissapointing as I beleive marriage is about the mergence of two souls.
Last night he told me of another one stand he had. He has no close releationships with his family and we are living on our own.
I take this as a lesson from guru ji and find much comfort from my part, but I just need some help.We are going for counselling.

Thankyou for all the hard work you are doing


(REPLY) Sat Nam. What a sad situation! so sorry. It is good that you are going for counseling. I suggest you add an extra daily recitation of the "So Purkh" section of Rehiras to your Paath. This is to help make your husband into a saint! (Which he obviously hasn't been in the past!) Has he promised to stop his extra-marital affairs? You must make a decision about your life based on what is best for your child and for you. Without a spiritual base, a marriage is missing the most important ingredient. You might also want to chant the DHAN DHAN RAM DAS GURU shabd (and pray for a miracle!) I wish you well. May God and Guru bless you. SP

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