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Summary of Question:Re:Sikhi Is Slowly Dissapearing
Date Posted:Wednesday, 1/01/2003 1:09 PM MST


I agree with my penji(Sikhi Is Slowly Dissapearing 20/12/02)
that sikhism is slowly starting to disappear.I cant comment for sure
in other parts of the UK and the world but I have met countless sikhs
at my university(in Glasgow)who have no idea what sikhism is about.
A former sikh who married her muslim boyfriend then converted
to Islam once mentioned to me that up here kids think that sikhism is just
about getting dressed in their best clothes with as much gold as you can wear,
driving to the gurdwara and parking outside showing off their latest car
(BMW/Merc/whatever) and going in and eating free roti.
A lot of people never realise what they are missing on and it makes
me sad to see and hear of this.(Please note that i have no problem with
people marrying outside their religion or converting to other faiths because if it gives them spiritual enlightenment when they cant get it from their
current faith they were born i do encourage to find out which path they
wish to go on)

I do apologise in if I have upset anyone by my remarks as that was not
my intention

Gurdeep Singh Lota

(REPLY) Sat Nam. I appreciate your comments, and there's no need to apologize. (that seems to be a cultlural thing that is uniquely Punjabi) Anyway, what do you think is the solution? We need education and more education, and more inspiring teachers and leaders who don't want followers, but want to lead people to the Guru by explaining the true meaning of the glorious Sikh path of life. In the West, we have been blessed to have such a teacher in the form of a man called the Siri Singh Sahib (Yogi Bhajan) who so inspired thousands of us that we adopted the Sikh religion! So, if the parents can't and don't supply inspiration, then hopefully others will rise to the occasion. For I do believe in the prophecy of Guru Gobind Singh, 960 million we shall be! Maybe not tomorrow, but it shall happen, meanwhile we can each do our best to share what little knowledge and understanding that we have been given, and pray for the Khalsa Panth to be united, strong, and steady in faith. Blessings for a Happy New Year! SP

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