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Summary of Question:Proud To Be A Sikh But Cut My Hair
Date Posted:Friday, 12/10/2004 2:30 AM MST

I just wanted to say i really love your site and please keep the good work these are the many reason why i thank Waheguru for making me a Sikh (Khalsa Panth). My question is i live in Canada and i have a hair cut my parents never grew my hair due to racial and stantards of the western society but my brother went to Hamandar Sahib with my family and i did not get the chance to go but my Brother came back with a jura. I was to ask is I love my religion i love my faith i love everything Sikhi has made me into it is the reason why i still breathe but i did not grow my hair i cut my hair becuasei believe i will not be accpet by the canadian society and i have been born in Canada and raised into their customs though i have been to Punjab and my mother land 2 times and love it to heart, I was to wounder when Guru Gobind Singh ji quoted be Khalsa not only physcialy and from appearnce be Khalsa from heart too. I see my brothers Jura and see him Physcialy Khalsa i just wanted to know am i not as Khalsa as he is becuase i do not have the guts to face the canadian society and become Khalsa though i am strongly Khalsa from heart and continue to procude knowldege of my history and heritage and i know Canadian society has accpeted Khalsa panth but i have also been raise din the western world and have some beliefs and customs of theres in me do i have to be Khalsa from heart and physical from or cna i be Khalsa from heart to prodceed life or do ihave to grow my hair too? i am sorry i if i have taken your time on this its is something that i was looking to be answered because I would love to become Khalsa like Khalsa was 300 years from the deepest rooots..

i would sincerely appreciate you answering this question

Uttam Singh Grewal
(Rubh Rukeh)

Sat Siri Akaal. Look dear, you have to decide what is more important to you and then from there, decide to live it. I cannot answer this for you personally. There are many people who are Sikhs like you with cut hair. The Sikh path is a wholistic path that encompasses not just what we DO, but how we look. The Sikh path takes discipline and courage. The Sikh form includes kesh and dashtar and was meant to be easily recognizable. How else do I know you are Sikh, if I pass you on the street????

Lots of Sikhs in America and Canada have long hair AND keep it up and covered in a patka or turban.Many do not and only cover it for gurdwara or paath. Perhaps you need to worry less about what other people think of you and create a firm identity for yourself that YOU appreciate, and then firmly establish your personal relationship to Guru in your heart. From there you will know what to do and you will have the courage born of faith to do it. Chant the naam. It's not the life you lead, it's the courage your bring to it. Guru ang sang,

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Proud To Be A Sikh But Cut My Hair (12/10/2004)
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