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Summary of Question:Advice Plz
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 12/11/2002 11:16 PM MST

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa

Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Hi guyz, u guyz r doin a great great job. I thank you all for dat.
My questions are these:

1) How do you become a Nihang Sikh? I mean do you go through the same Amrit ceremony that other Sikhs do?
2) Can only guys be Nihangs? I mean what if you are female with a Warrior like spirit?
3) Another thing, if we pray for someone with a true heart and ask Guru Ji to give someone a Gursikhi Jeewan who is not religous, do you reckn Guru Ji will fullfill that? Or does someone only get a Gursikhi Jeewan if it is written in their destiny?
4) I wanna marry a Nihang Singh, BUT theres no way that im gonna go for arrange marriage, but do you reckn my Guru's gonna give me that person, like because most of all the punjabi dudes here, well i haven't seen any Gursikh guy here, not that im worried or anything but just dont want no arrange marriage, no way!!!
5) There was this one dude that i really cared for and when he saw that a I was into sikhi, he goes to me no you are into religion and you should stay that way! man that pissed me off. See i guess most the guys here like 'those' girls who are into other things. No offence. Its just that it sucks. Well anyways I don't care about stupid guys, cause If someone leaves me cause of my religion then stuff em cuz i dont want them and they are not worth it, and my life revolves around only my Satguru. Just that, well i want someone too, like someone who is like me, who lives for the Guru. Will Guru Ji give me that someone? Cause Guru Ji does know what we want right???
6) How does it feel when your dasam duwar opens?
7) Do you know anyone who's dasam duwar opened? and how?

Thanks Guys
1.Nihang Singh's belong to a Dahl. For example, Baba Nihal Singh of Harienvela is the head of the Buddha Dahl. There is also a Taruna Dahl. These Dahls each have their initiations.
2.Nihangs are 99 % men.
3.Live your life as a Warrior Princess of Grace and Light. Ask Guru for clarity to live so gracefully that your presence(without speaking a word) will inspire those around you. Devoting your prayer to changing someone is not a prayer, it is an order. Prayer works best when you become transparent and desireless. Then God can work THROUGH YOU to accomplsh something you never even thought of.
4.Nihang Singhs usually do not marry. They tend to reject the feminine even in their language and in the choice of their horses(they ride only stallions).
5.The young man you spoke of was showing you respect. Why to be angry? You are not an ordinary girl.
6.Recite the Shabd "Bhand jamee-ai bhand nimee-ai......" by Guru Nanak (in Asa Diwar) 11 times daily for 90 days. You were given this life as a women of God. Absorb yourself deeply into your study of the Guru's teachings on women through this Shabd. Be your own great example of a graceful and noble woman. Find a good martial Arts class taught by a woman and take that class every week.

God bless you, SKKK

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