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Summary of Question:Why???Reply
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 5/04/2004 5:50 AM MDT


Im from England i am 25 years old, and I was in a similar situation to urs around about 2 years ago, I to trusted an older male who was old enough to be my grandfather who was really holy. I used go to a temple in the morning before I went to work or if i did not have time in the mornings i would go in the evenings, anyway i liked going to this temple, as not many people went there, it was small and hidden away by location, i suppose this was why i liked it as it was peacefull and i could think there, the man who ran the place- i thought was really nice as he used to talk to me about sikhism, the gurus, and how we should live an honest life, he even used to give me books about sikhism, and i gradually started to see this man as very wise and holy person with alot of wisdom, i started to respect this holy person- maybe more his wisdom and his outlook on sikhism, he would even talk to me about his family back in india. but little did i know what what yet to come, I did not go to the temple for i think it was 1 or 2 days cant remember why i did not go either, but the next time i went, i did my metha tek and when the holy man came out to give me some prashad, he said "oh where have you been i was really worried about you, as u did not come to the temple" I thought this was a bit strange of him to say , but i did not think anything of it as i just thought it was nice of him to encourage me to come to the temple, but then he said now i have started to love u - u should carry on coming, i still did not think anything of it, but then he went on to say " give me an oppurtunity" i asked him what for he said to "love each other", i then knew he was talking out of the boundarys, i was really shocked, hurt and confused, i did not understand why this was happening in an temple by a holy man that i put my trust in , i was really hoping to my self that maybe i had misinterpreted what the man was saying, but how could i have?? because when he said them words he also started to stroke my back - now that could not be right!!!, i said no!! and moved away, the man i think realised what he had just said and moved away and said ok, i then just ran out. But i too thought why did god to this to me why?? in a temple and why from an holy man who ran the temple. But maybe this was gods way of telling me not to go this temple and what the man was like. I really do trust in god and in a funny way this has made me believe in god more- dont ask me why- i know not every holy male is like this?? but some do take advantage, but i just wanted to say be patient and seek understanding from your thoughts and god, try to understand why this took place- as they say there is a reason for everything. Anyway hope this helps, as i understand what u went thru

Regards ur sister

<<<<< REPLY >>>>>

Sat Nam! Thank you for sharing your story with us. As you clearly understand, all relationships have their own boundries; their own sacred space. Mother and daughter; brother and sister; spiritual teacher and student. When someone goes outside this space, the relationship loses its grace.

This is why Guru Gobind Singh gave us the Guru Granth Sahib as our Guru. Both men and women have good days and bad days; moments of weakness and the mistakes that result from them. Our Guru is constant. It always gives us the truth, no matter what day it is.

Many blessings to you for keeping up.


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