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Summary of Question:Everu One Makes Fun Of Me Because Im Sikh
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 11/26/2000 4:16 PM MST

up to the age of about 12, i was never really into my religion as there were hardly any sikhs my age at school. but now ive just turned 14, and at my new school i talk to all my friends who are nearly all sikhs. but one of my friends gave me a book on the japji sahib which had english translations in and i read it all and memorised it. so then they started telling me about the history of sikhi, and i looked it up a little bit. but now i want to grow a turban and follow the life of a true sikh. but everytime i go to school there are all these hindu and muslim boys who just constantly call me stupid names like "mr religous" and then the hindus start pushing me around talking about khalistan and insulting me for standing up for something i believe in.

so my question is what do i do about it? i dont want to really insult them back as i dont want to make enemys.

Greetings to you in the name of God the light of every soul and in the Nams of Guru the life of every Sikh.

Dear one, the path of truth always has its challenges. These people who tease you are not your friends. They know you are sensitive so they can pick on you. When you are strong in your identity and practice as a Khalsa, their comments cannot touch you. You will just laugh and walk on without any further concern.

For now, stick with your Sikh friends and simply put your blinders on when these silly boys come to disturb you. Just ignore them and keep walking on your way. They will stop bothering you when you stop reacting to them.

The place to share your experiences with other youth and get their feed back would be on the Sikhnet chat.

God bless you and may the power of the Guru guide you and the strength of Guru Gobind Singh protect you.

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Everu One Makes Fun Of Me Because Im Sikh (11/26/2000)
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