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Summary of Question:Disabled Sikh (Wheel Chair Bound) In Gurdwara
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 9/04/2001 6:16 AM MDT

Is a Sikh who is in wheel chair allowed to enter the Gurdwara pay his respect to Guru Granth Sahib and listed to kirtan and katha. My Gurdwara does not allow wheel chairs into the Gurdwara.


Sat Siri Akaal.

In our Gurdwara, it is allowed. When someone who is disabled or very arthritic or a non-Sikh visitor whose body does not fold onto the floor so well, and thus requires a wheel/or other chair, we put the chairs along the wall and in the back. This keeps them from blocking others' views. Our Palki Sahib is also raised (4 steps up).

It is really really time for Sikhs to enter the 21st century and make provision for those whose disabilities keep them from sitting on the floor. I know that traditional Sikhs will think the moment this is allowed, the next thing you know we will have chairs for everyone. Nonsense. A section of Gurdwara can be blocked off (in the back) for people who must sit in wheel/chairs to sit at all. I have a friend here whose rheumatoid arthritis keeps her chairbound in Gurdwara.

The reason chairs are proscribed in Sikhi is because traditionally, no one sits higher than Guruji. It's a sign of respect. I don't believe that using a wheel/other chair in Gurdwara -- when the other option is NOT attending Gurdwara -- is wrong or disrespectful.

Think of how upsetting it is for devoted wheel-chair bound Sikhs to realize that there is NO provision for wheelchairs in Sri Harimander Sahib. Think of it another way. Can you imagine Guru Gobind Singh or Guru Ram Das NOT allowing someone in their presence because they are wheel-chair bound.

Dear One, the only way Sikhs will change their approach on the disabled is for Sikhs like yourself to advocate articulately and forcefully for a means of attending Gurdwara in a respectful manner IN YOUR WHEELCHAIR. It is your right.

Guru rakha,

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Disabled Sikh (Wheel Chair Bound) In Gurdwara (09/04/2001)
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