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Summary of Question:Answers On Site Re Kesh
Date Posted:Tuesday, 1/03/2006 2:23 AM MST

I am a sikh, I'm 20 years old, I live in the US (California) and I have a beard and turban because my family has beards and turbans. I have a bone to pick with you guys. I have read all the questions and answers reagarding hair and beards, and none of them have satisfied me! absolutley none! I just don't even know why we can't cut or trim our beard, the only reason is that "Our guru told us." Is that it??? I don't understand at all. As a new sikhs, there are still many questions we all have. I grow a beard (I don't know why) but here's how I look at it: Growing beards about hundreds or even thousands of years ago was a common thing among all men from all nations. Today, growing beards is not as common, and in many instances it could cause trouble to the sikhss who live in the West. If growing a beard were mandatory in the Noble Guru Granth Sahib, then we would all have nothing to argue about, BUT IT DOESN'T!!!!!!!!!. If somebody DID say that at that time, then it is important to know whether if this law should apply to all times and all places today. Some of our Prophet's Sayings and laws were made only to solve situations that occurred hundreds or thousands of years ago (back then). These few Sayings don't necessarily have to be applied today.

I've also heard other nonsense statements like "Oh, our hair is very good for us, it gives us energy, or it keeps us warm, or it has all these elements and stuff, or it gives energy to the head and makes you smarter." My answer to that is "Nice try" because first of all, what about the people who today have very little hair on their head, or if they're bald? They're still fine, they're not mentally ill or anything, in fact, some of them are more healthier or smarter than the ones with hair. Secondly, using the statement "hair keeps us warm" totally doesn't apply because WE'RE not animals, DUH! We needed it millions or years ago because we didn't have any clothes, we were cavemen, but now, we don't because we have clothes, we don't need "fur." I can't believe it how conservative we SIKHS are, our bodies have evolved, and they're evolving each day, humans are getting less and less hair because they don't need as much hair anymore. If you look at humans millions of years ago, and look at humans now, WE DON'T have all that hair anymore, EVEN OUR BODY IS SMARTER THAN US!

Also I would like to point out that we should change throughout time, sardars are looked upson as cartoons, or animals these days. I have a very respected job, where I have to meet clients and customers (mortgage). I have to look presentable to put food in my stomach otherwise I can't generate business. I can't look like the way I am infont of clients. Also, I like to point out "physical appearance" this is very important because women these days only marry a sardar if they are "TOLD" to do it from their family, They never do it from their heart. Which woman today dreams about a HAIRY BEARDED SARDAR? AH, NOBODY! I just don't know why we can't cut or trim out beard and hair. It doesn't say that in the Guru Granth Sahib, I know that, if it does, tell me what page and what the passage is.

My whole life, I have been isolated from everyone while growing up as an American, one of the aspects in our reiligion is that we should unite and be together with all types of people and not have any grudge in regards to race or cast. THEN WHY ARE WE ISOLATING OURSELVES BY LOOKING SO DIFFERANT?? We are so conservative, we are not SMART!!! We never ask questions to WHY we do certain things, nobody has ever asked any question in the past, which is why we are facing problems today. Look, Guru Gobind Singh Ji simply told the sikhs about the "5 k's" just for their own benefit, Kanga: so they will comb their hair, be clean, and that they always use their OWN so they won't get other people'e lice which is why Guru ji told them to keep on in their head (hey, people didn't know any better back then) Kirpan: To keep as a symbol of sikhism and guru ji's gift, also for self defense just in case (not necessarilly to keep with you at all time around your body) Kashera: To wear as an underwear (simple) It's funny because the keshera was an underwear at THAT TIME, but we are so conservative that we will wear pants, and shirts but underneath, we will still wear a keshera, that's just silly, because we modify everything else, boxers or underwears today serve the same purpose. I don't know what to say, everything is gowing wrong in our culture.

What about our females, our sisters, wives, or even mothers who can't shave their legs, arms, under arms, or sad enough to say, their faces? What do you have to say about that? Do they not have the right to look beautiful?? I saw some amridhari women who unfortunatley have beards and mustahces (very thick ones), I just feel really said for them. I also know some sikhs who have major problems and even tumors, but some of them chose not to accept surgery because they would have to get their hair shaved. I don't understand those people, HELLO YOUR LIFE IS ON THE LINE!!! Isn't that unfair?? I don't think our Guru ji wants his followers, his sikhs to suffer like that. The bottom line is that I'm very religious and I have pride in my sikh religion but I also think that you can be a very strong sikh with a trimmed beard and hair.

Why do we cut our nails? so it won't get very long and get in our way while we work. THAT SAME concept applies to hair, why do you think the American government is not allowing beards and long hair, because it gets in your way. Why do we mow the lawn, so it can look nice, same concept applies to the beard. Which sardar would wanna have very messy 1 foot long grass in their lawn? No sardar would want that, but they would keep a very messy 1 foot long beard attached to their face. THIS MAKES NO SENSE YOU GUYS. Every young sardar wants to trim and cut but thy're all affraid, hey, I was to but I got over it and now I'm going to trim and cut to.

Well, I have made a decision, I'm going trim my hair and beard. If you can answer my questions, please email me at [email protected]. I really wanna hear an answer, please; the reason why I'm asking you guys is because I consider you guys the most knowledgeable. And if I don't get a reply from you guys, I will consider it that you duys couldn't answer any of my questions, you don't have all the knowledge I thought you had, and you have nothing to disipline me with and I will then start my cutting and trimming proceedings.

Thank You for your time, Most appreciated

P. Singh

Sat Siri Akaal. There are hundreds of queries on this site about hair and the moderator answers reflect Sikh practice and teaching. If you don't like the answers, that answers your question. You appear to be in resistance for some reason to keeping full kesh, and it seems you prefer to observe Sikhi with trimmed hair / beard or no beard. Seems you also want something 'official' or 'Sikh' that will support your personal decision. It IS your decision, and it is about your own relationship to Guru, NOT your relationship to other Sikhs. Choice is yours. Guru ang sang,

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