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Summary of Question:Help Me Plz
Date Posted:Thursday, 7/05/2001 4:24 AM MDT


Respected sir
I dont wana tell my name.My problem is that 1st i had little skin rashes but then slowly it started inc n then finally it was diagnosed that i was sufeering 4m eczema.Now the problem is that it has inc so much that it has covered my whole neck i am not even able to wear uncollred clothes. I live in kuwait n it is too hot here n i cant wear always collared clothes but i have to wear . I cant even go out coz people keep on asking me wat has happened n along with started one new problem i started gaining weihgt n now i am 2 times the weight wat i should be. PLZ HELP ME WITH MY PROBLEM I AM IN A VERY BIG PROBLEM GIVE ME SOME PATH TO DO SO THAT I ACN GET RID OF THESE PROBLEMS N ALSO MY PARENTS WILL BE TENSION FREE.


Dear One:

Sat Siri Akaal. I am concerned that the eczema and the weight gain are part of a larger medical problem-- please see a doctor about the weight gain. Research on the Web for causes of eczema and see if there is something you can add to or take away from your diet or medical treatments to address it.

If you are eating because of depression or stress, make a real effort to STOP. Get some exercise (do anything you enjoy) and drink water every time you want to reach for snacks and sweets. Eczema in and of itself is nothing to be ashamed of. It will go away if treated properly. People can ask you what happened and all you have to do is say "it's personal" and change the subject. Or "it's a rash" and change the subject. Then they will stop asking.

Guru gave us bani and simran for a reason. To stabilize your mind, you need to practice meditation. I recommend you practice Kirtan Kriya. It is fully explained in a separate post on this forum, search using "kirtan kriya". It will balance the five elements in your body. It will NOT do this overnight, but over time you will see its benefits. Try it for 31 minutes a day for 40 days. You will feel better regardless. Then start ANOTHER 40 days! And keep it up.

The family that prays together stays together. Get your parents to recite paath with you. Do Japji in the morning TOGETHER, do Rehiras in the evening TOGETHER. You cannot be responsible for THEIR tension. They should also meditate for their own stress and stability of mind. BEST is when you meditate together, because the group energy enhances the effect of ANY simran.

Guru rakha,

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