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Summary of Question:How Do I Know When Im Ready To Follow The Path Of Sikhism
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 11/29/2002 12:57 PM MST


i've been attempting to find out the answer to this question for a while now, and i feel as though no one else can possible answer this. so here goes..... i am quiet young and i am learning about sikhism as much as i can, as its quiet difficult with all my studies and other responsibilties, but i do learn something new everyday. i attend gurdwara on a weekly basis right now and i find very soothing and peaceful. however i feel as though i am not learning enough to make up my mind whether i wish to one day be a pure and true sikh, which i know i am not close to at all, it asks for alot of discipline, which i know i dont have. whereas others who show great faith in sikhism who are much younger then me have and i really respect that. i think what i am really scared about is being like those women who have taken amrit and are not pure or good and have black hearts. i feel as though tryin to even take amrit and considering myself to be a sikh of anysort will mean havin a good heart, more then anything else. but to even consider to take amrit i must know when i am ready, how will i know that it is time. i also do not use the sacred name kaur and i dont think i will use it untill i belive that i deserve it as a sikh.
thankyou, and i hope that you can answer this for me.
(REPLY) Sat Nam. Guru Nanak said, "Truth is great, but greater still is truthful living." From what you have written, it seems to me that you have complicated things more than necessary. The life of a Sikh is actually pretty simple: Get up early in the morning, chant God's Name, go to work (or school) - live righteously) share with others, and don't do to anyone what you don't want them to do to you! Yes, of course there are the five "K"s -symbols and reminders of our commitment to live as Khalsa -- but you are right, the most important thing is to keep you heart pure! So I don't see there's really a problem. If we were already perfect, we wouldn't be here on earth! REading the banis every day gives you the power and the wisdom to live up to the commitment. So, stop worrying, and when you want to receive the blessings of Amrit (and it is a REAL blessing, that gives you more energy to maintain your commitment) then take Amrit. This is decision you have to make for yourself. May God and Guru bless you and guide you. SP

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