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Summary of Question:Studies Or The Street..
Date Posted:Monday, 10/22/2007 12:10 PM EDT

please do not post this....

Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh..firstly Id like to say that this youth forum is really awesome. May Waheguru ji grant u sevadaars His/Her wonderful Kirpa…
The thing is I am from NYS and am in medical college in punjab (Amritsar). Im almost done with 2nd yr, however I want to quit. I can’t cope up with the’s too tough. I don’t mind living in india..(i even like it here and I get to go to Harmandir Sahib anytime and (though it is a bit hard living here b/c of the discrimination in india against Sikhs in the Guru’s bana because india is NOT a free country..i’ve seen it for myself..)
I know that my parents want the best for me but I can’t stand it here in india. Ive spoken to my parents about quitting in 1st yr and going back home to the USA or even to Canada and becoming a high school teacher. They never asked me why I wanted to leave..they instead jumped to their own conclusions (that im involved with some guy or something). The actual reason for my decision to quit was that I can’t cope up the studies and that my state of mind was so much in shambles and my level of spirituality was so low that I wanted to end my life. (i've written to u about that once too)..Obviously an Amritdhaari is to be in CHARDI KALA not Dhendian I decided to quit and not take that cowardly route. Then I told my parents that I want to quit. Instead of understanding they jumped to the conclusion that Im hooked up with someone. They think I can do anything academically because I was always an exceptional student and hardworking..but ive tried my best and its not cutting it…
To prevent them from furthur negative thinking I decided to stay when i told em the first time. But now I really think that im wasting precious time..and once I tell them that Ive made up my mind they’re probably going to kick me out of the family. So ill be all alone wherever I go…What should I do? Should I just tell them and see what happens or just stay here until I’ve failed my exams so many times that the college itself kicks me out? I don’t want to waste any more time but I also wouldn’t like being on the streets…WHAT SHOULD I DO???
I don’t know whether I should go to england or to canada. i have lots of relatives in london but I highly doubt that they’ll let me stay. And I have an uncle in toronto but I don’t want to depend on my relatives..i don't know whether i should go to college in the USA..
I would like to become a teacher (maybe a biology teacher) at the high school level. How long will that take me if I do my studies in london or if I do it in toronto? How much does it cost and what are living arrangemts? I don’t have any money at all…And I have a high school diploma (Advanced NYS Regents diploma) that enough to get admission? i only know about the admissions process in NY..(that's where im from)..
But I think that those questions are too specific for you to answer… im going to come to london in december and see what I can do…
I feel so lost and stressed out…
I think I should go and do Ardaas…………
please help me!!!!!

--a murakh..
My dear. Relax. Breath deeply. Breath long and deep. Meditate on Bani of Guru Gobind Singh and cut through your negativity. Outside or inside you can get beyond your feelings of desperation.

You must speak very thoroughly and candidly with your parents.
They love you and support you and it is important to share your trials and tribulations with them. No doubt it is challenging for a foreign women in India society. Start talking with them deeply and seriously and ASK THEM FOR THEIR HELP AND LOVING SUPPORT. You are not failing you are finding your way. Transferring to another college/University is normal. Changing majors is also normal. Students do this all the time. You have to find your own way and you are in the process of this right now. Cool and calmly make an assessment of your situation. Is there a guidence counselor you can speak to for support? How about a mentor or friend? You can counsel yourself as though you are speaking to a desperate friend coming to you for help.

You know that you can contact most universities including the CUNY system (for New York Colleges & Universities) online. You can find out requirements etc by inquiring online. Even if you decide to go to London or Canada it is do-able. Stop looking at the limits. You can always stay at the home of your family and then move. Apply for scholarship or financial aid wherever you look. There are funds available. The choose the situation with the best support/offer.

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