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Summary of Question:Re: Touching Cigarrettes Or Alcohol
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 4/25/2004 3:15 AM MDT

RE: Touching Tobacco or alcohol

History records that when Guru Teg Bahadar went to the village Bakala (his birth place) there a farmer grew tabacco. He asked for Guru's blessings but Guru Jee said instead of growing tobacco grow something which will benefit you, your family and will not harm society. Growing tabacco and distributing you will make yourself a misery, make you family unsuccessful and harm society. The farmer seeked forgiveness and changed his crop.

Also when Guru Gobind Singh Jee was once travelling on his horse accompanied with some SIkhs. The Guru's horse (Neela Ghora) stopped suddenly. The Sikhs asked why has your horse suddenly stopped. Guru Jee said, "the horse doesnt want to go near tobacco, never mind touch tobacco."

Touching cigarrettes = you get tobacco on your hands which can they go on your face, food etc if you dont wash your hands immediately.

Touching alcohol = why would we have the need? usually bottles (if used) have beer or woteva it is spilt over it so again we contaminate our hands.

We should avoid touching these things unless you got a good reason... but passing a beer bottle or a cigarrette to someone else to use or store is not a Gurmat thing (in accordance to Guru's way)


Thank you for your contribution. GTKK

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