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Summary of Question:Confused
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 4/01/2000 11:38 PM MDT

Hello, I everyone once in a while like to come here and read what others say. A lot of the times it gives me inspiration. I have a ? well a few of them. Not even a ? I just need some feedback.

My dad drinks a lot and it bugs. I have put up with it for so many yrs and at times i feel like i can overcome this all and its just all making me stornger, yet, within seconds i can be contemplating suicide. I know i could never bring myself to do that, but thinking about it, is not that good either. I know our religion says its a bad thing, but man, when times get tough. I just get so sick of the same old stuff over and over again. I do path, but things don;t really get better, but then i think that if i didn;t do my path things could be even worse. i don;t know i'm just confused i feel different things. I just need help.

please do not put my addy in public thnax


Dear One:
Sat Siri Akaal. Sorry for the delay.
Elsewhere on this youth forum are replies to youth whose parents drink. Search the forum for "father drinks" or just 'drinking.' There is more information in those posts.
That said it sounds to me like you really need to get out of there. I don't mean disrespect to you or your parents, but if you could go stay with a friend or other family member (where there is no drinking) I think your despair would ease. The aura of people who drink often can be very disturbed, and this affects the entire atmosphere of the home. You are watching him and struggling with trying to get him to stop and keep yourself sane. It is too great a burden for you, and there is no shame in admitting this. Do paath as much as possible, because it does bring some light into your life. At the very least, stay away from home as much as possible (school, sports activities, gurdwara, sangat activities, etc) because this will lessen the amount of time you spend in that atmosphere. Find friends/family who can support you in dealing with the problem. It needs to be admitted in the family; keeping it in the closet is part of the problem.

I don't know where you live but you can check out Alcoholics Anonymous (mostly a US organization). They have an international link: They have made it their business to help both alcoholics and families of alcoholics.

God bless you with healing and protection,

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