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Summary of Question:Is It Ok For A Sikh Girl To Marry A Muslim Guy Who Are In Love With Each Other
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Tuesday, 9/06/2005 9:32 PM MDT

Sat Sri Akal Ji,

Should a sikh girl marry a muslim boy whom she loves. Please explain the answer because if we say that she should not, then she will marry another person. And in that way, she will be cheating 3 persons, herself, her lover and her husband. Is it OK? And if she does marry muslim boy then her family is not happy and they lose their reputation in society. She says it is OK because she will be following her religion and he will his own. And she says this all happened because God wanted it to happen and God is with her. Lot of confusion, please help.

Thank you.


Please read the posts: "You Will Get Nothing With Anger And Hatred" and
"Those who Critisized my love" which you will find by searching by date on this forum. Also read all related posts to that topic/post which you can also easily find on this site. It should answer some of your questions.

Finally, answering such an open ended and subjective question with essentially no details is very hard. Maybe, for the time being, she should NOT marry ANYONE and break off with the muslim boy. That is, calm down and not think about any relation. That would be the best thing to do. She has obviously not thought this through if she thinks that "she will be following her religion and he will his own".

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Is It Ok For A Sikh Girl To Marry A Muslim Guy Who Are In Love With Each Other (09/06/2005)
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