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Summary of Question:Difference Between Hukam And Ardaas
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 2/23/2007 5:22 AM MST

wjkk wjkf,

Whenever difficulties comes, sikhi tells us to take that as hukam but on the other hand it says one should pray to get rid of the difficulties.
I now have a dilemna of what should a sikh do in such situation i.e. take it as hukam or still we can do ardas so we do not have to bare that difficulties?
thx in advance.
wjkk wjkf
Satnam ji,
Here is a way to look at this.
The ardas is when you speak to God........
The Hukam is when God speaks to you.......

A difficulty is your experience, not a Hukam from God. That same difficulty can be no problem for someone else. Therefore, I would suggest that you face your challenges with an Ardas, and then listen to what the Guru says (Hukam)in response to your prayer. If you face all events in your life this way and make a daily practice of this, you will find both wisdom and mastery.


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