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Summary of Question:Unable To Decide
Date Posted:Friday, 3/05/2004 1:52 AM MST

I am never able to decide anything and whenever I decide I am unable to continue.I always get confused with the views of people around me and finally cannot decide which way to go.Secondly I cannot dare to do the things to take the decision to go forward etc.Please help me out of my situation and let me know the reason and how to change it. thank you satnam shri Wahe Guru

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Indecision such as you describe comes from the fact that you have a "monkey mind"-- which is not unusual! The way to be able to make intelligent decisions is to control the mind, and get beyond it by meditating. I suggest that you spend time every day, preferably before sunrise, sitting quietly and with your eyes closed, (but focused between your eyebrows and up slightly) being aware of your breath as it flows in and out your nose. Think SAT as you inhale, NAM as you exhale, and breathe slower and deeper as you continue. This will calm your mind and start to connect you with the Truth of your identity, the soul within you. Read Japji Sahib every morning before you meditate. Instead of being controlled by your mind, you will start to tune into your intuition, that KNOWS the right decisions, not based on wishful thinking or fear and insecurity. Controlling the monkey mind is not easy, but it is a challenge and an opportunity to discover a higher Self within you. Blessings, SP

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