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Summary of Question:Just Asmall Question
Date Posted:Thursday, 5/05/2005 5:02 AM MDT


Satsriakal Ji,

ImNot sure if im true sikh or not.

is it ok for sikhs to


You can do a search on this topic. It has been brought up numerous times on Sikhnet YOuth Forum. Basically, the way I look at is an energy issue. Yogically speaking, where do you want your energies to live? Do you want them to be in your lower chakras, then masterbate. If you want to raise your energies to your higher chakras, then channel your sexual and creative energies into other activities and thoughts. Keep in mind that when you masturbate you waste a lot of energy. I think it takes something like a thousant drops of blood to make one drop of semen. What a waste of energy. WOW!!! That creative energy can be used in so many constructive ways. You decide. GTKK

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