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Summary of Question:Keshas Are Really Imp
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 10/13/2002 9:39 AM MDT

i am always surronded by sikhs who have cut there keshas just for girls and they get away saying that"mere man me to sikhi hain naa" which makes me fight with them i wanted to ask u arenot kaeshas really imp for a sikh
if we have lands of sikhs witht there keshas cut dont u think that it willbe backstabiing guru gobind singhjis sacfrices in the name of "mere man me to sikhi hain naa"
i think that being a sikh u have to hav atleast the keshas unshorn if not the amrit which is utmost imp
every day we say "nanak das sada kurbaani" and still we r not ready to sacrifice our materialistic wants of looking sexy and other rubish. is not this hipocracy---at its peak?please post this q on the site

REPLY: To a lot of women and men - sikhi and long hair are very appealing so keep the faith. As for all your friends without hair - tell them that they are good in their place and you are good inyours. Remember lions do not go without their manes.

As for amrit... it is a very personal thing. You have to ready as it is not to be taken lightly.
Yes it is hipocracy.

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Keshas Are Really Imp (10/13/2002)
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