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Summary of Question:Sikhism's Weak Chain
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 11/10/2000 3:43 PM MST

If we are to compare sikhism to other major religions, our unity is very weak. We as sikhs do not have the same beliefs. which we should. First of all, our youth is very un educative about their own religion and even the majority of the adults. Children know more about other religions than of their own. The akal takhat needs to do something about this. The parents themselves are not willing to take responsibility of understanding and reciting the Guru Granth Sahib. This strong foundation needs to be there if we as sikhs are to be a unity. Next, there should be certain times for prayer. Like the muslims pray together on Fridays. Although there are recitations of the Guru Granth Sahib at the Gurudwaras, but only the pathi is reading and the other people are simply sitting there and listening. There is a difference between doing it yourself and letting somebody do it for yourself..

If we are to pray together sitting by side and actually saying the words of the Guru Granth Sahib on a routinely basis, then the younger children and even the adults will pray because they see the others doing the same thing.

Please expand on this important note and also on how we can address this to the akal takhat and the general sikh population

Greetings to you in the Name of God the light of every soul and in the Name of Guru the life of every SIKh.

You are right to notice that righteous leadership in our Sikh community is quite weak or non existant. But, I would not compare us with other religions and say that they are better. We all have similar problems.

And we do not need to pass the "buck" to the Akal Takhat. Your concept of having the members of the Sadh Sangat do the prayers together and lead the Pangat is the way to share the experience of the Guru's Bani. The full participation of the Sadh Sangat is practiced in many Gurdwara's in the West.

As far as group prayer with specified times for prayer, we have that! The formula given by the Guru is very clear.

Rise in the Amrit Vela, bathe and meditate...3:00 am to 7 am join the sadh sangat
recite: Jap Ji
Shabd Hazare
Jaap Sahib
Tav Prasaad Swayaa
Anand Sahib
there is also Asa Diwar

at sunset do: Rehiras
before sleep do: Kirtan Sohila

In regard to addressing the problem...this rests with you. You are the leader that you are looking for. Just do it! Get a group of people together in the Gurdwara or in your home. Start with yourself, invite some similar thinkers and you will get the benefit of the experience of spiritual expansion and joy.

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