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Summary of Question:Death Of My Father
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 12/15/2001 11:37 AM MST

I am a 19 year old sikh male and my farther has just recently died from cancer. This death has hit our family hard and everyone still cant beleive what has happened, my mother still wont come to terms with it.

As I am the oldest child all the family responsiblites have fallen to me and, Iam really scared that I wont be able to handle things as good as my dad did. Iam already feeling the pressure and sometimes I think to myself why did god take my dad away.

Dear One:
You are 19, your father was what, in his 40s? Of course you can't do it as well as he. But Guru wants you to learn it. So, learn it. You have to DECIDE you can become as good as he at family affairs and then set out to learn it. Ask questions openly, to the ones you pay bills to, to your insurance agent, to the family accountant, etc. Ask and learn. Also, DOCUMENT everything you are doing so that if it comes back to you for some reason you have documents indicating your actions and what you did to accomplish or pay for something. Photocopy machines and computer calendars/diaries are good for this! U.S. President Franklin D Roosevelt once said: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself!"

It takes time to get over a loss of husband/father. Don't try to go on as it was, because things are different. So let them be different and give your Mom time. Chant the Naam Chant the Naam and you will have the inner strength you need to go on.
Guru rakha,

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