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Summary of Question:Death Or Glory?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 1/09/2003 8:40 PM MST

Wahe Guru ji ka Khalsa

Wahe Guru ji ki Fateh,

What would an ideal khalsa or a sikh rather choose, to lay his life for Sikhi or to be opressed and live. According to our History, our beliefs matter more to us than our life, but today, due to the muslims suicide bombings, Martyrdom brings with it, disgrace. Sikh physcology says rather death than disobey my faith. I don't know anymore, is being a sikh, having a distinct identity bringing upon us a banish from american society. Guru Gobind singh sahib ji says, that he will always be upon the khalsa. But today it seems, our status is in danger. we have no help spiritually and politically.
Guru ang sang.
(REPLY) Sat Nam. Sikhs do not commit suicide. Sikhs have died fighting in self defense, or defending the faith for others (like Guru Teg Bahadur did), but never do we believe in commiting suicide! As for being banished from American society, well, I've lived in America as a Sikh, wearing a turban for over 33 years, and no one has banished me. I was born in America, and I know that there are places where there has been some discrimination, but we have taken legal means to fight that, and there has been more and more recognition and respect for us as Sikhs, since we have made more of an effort to make ourselves and our beliefs known to the public through the media, and through interfaith participation. I believe our responsibility as Sikhs, as Khalsa is to live with compassion and kindness, serving others, and being such a radiant representative of the Guru's blessings, that people will want to learn more about us. It isn't always easy to look "different" -- but since we don't try to convert anyone, we can at least advertise by courageously wearing bana! (and keeping our hair!) There may always be some narrow minded, prejudiced people, but that is their problem, and their karma. Let us bless them and pray for them to be enlightened. SP

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