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Summary of Question:Martydom And Jokes Onsikhs
Date Posted:Sunday, 2/09/2003 8:24 AM MST

guru fateh

i am really sorry over the misspelled question lastweek
i meant to ask that why didnot guru tegh bahadur ji and guru arjan devji pick up a sword and fight instead of satyagraha and what are we expected to do in such a situation
another qustion
sikhnet has a unique mathod of fighting against sikh jokes "being patient"
but we here in mumbai are fighting against these idiots and have got two sites cleaned
i would like to know whether or not sikh net is doing the same where ever they are so that we can build up a network and fight for it
out of 4060 sites on sikh jokes more than 90% are in the US so u have a better access to them
y dont u take their addresses out and take some action against them
it will not be long before sikhs start to convert their children in order to be saved from these jokes. infact it has already started.
waiting for a reply last three mals concernong the sme topic havennot being answered
i hope i am not asking anything wrong
guru fateh


Sat Siri Akal.

Why didn't Guru Teg Bahadur Singh and Guru Arjun Dev Singh pick up a sword and fight? Becuase it was the Will of God from them to go through the torture and be killed. In fact, a Muslim saint asked Guru Arjun Dev ji, "Why are you allowing yourself to be tortured on this hot plate. You could stop it at any moment." Guru Arjun Dev said, "This is God's Will, and I have to show my Sikhs that it is possible to go through it and smile." Sometimes, it is God's Will for us to fight. Sometimes, it is God's Will for us to die. For the Sikh, the practice of meditation on Gurbani opens us up to knowing, within our own hearts, God's Will for us so we can surrender to it and obey it.

SikhNet strives to do all it can for the Sikh Panth and the simple truth is - there is SO very much to be done. We have chosen to use what resources we have to educate people, inspire people, and help the sangat connect with each other and discuss with each other. Chasing after sites that say jokes about Sikhs is not the best use of our resources. Building confidence and value in the Sikh identity, serving the Sikh youth to become strong in their relationship with the Guru - that is how we can best serve.

Please forgive if we haven't gotten to your earlier questions. We receive a lot of questions from the Youth and do our best to answer everyone's questions.

All love,


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