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Sikhnet Youth Forum Sikh Youth - Question and Answer Forum

Summary of Question:Query/Comment
Date Posted:Friday, 8/01/2003 1:35 PM MDT

why does nobody answer questions when they include the words "radha soami" ? fair enough you may not like radha soami's but the truth is that they do exist so if some youth are having problems with people & those people are radha soami its not our fault!! ive posted 2 queries with the words radha soami in them, one i posted oevr 3months ago, and 1 i posted last week, i havn't had replies to any of them-and looking at the dates postings-most queries get a quick response. pls do not discriminate like this amongst the sikh youth.


Please define "radha soami". Please don't jump to conclusions. It is easier to respond if we know exactly what you mean. GTKK

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