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Summary of Question:Re: Christian School Ok?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 5/02/2005 10:57 PM MDT

I attended a Catholic school for few years because my parents thought it provided better education in a big city then public schools. While attending the school I never felt that I had to stop going to a Gurdwara or that I needed to become a Catholic to fit in with the other students. It never made me feel that I had to change myself somehow so I could fit in better with my peers. It was difficult to explain to the students and teachers what Sikhism really was at the begining but they eventually understood the concepts. From what I can remember none of the teachers or students ever tried to tell me the Catholicism was better or that I should become a Catholic. For me attending a Catholic school gave me a new perspective on what Catholicism was, it helped me better understand it. I learned about a religion that I might not have learned in a public school or elsewhere in life. I did finish up my high school education in a public school. I enjoyed attending both a Catholic and public school.


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