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Summary of Question:Re: Just Wanted To Share
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 2/24/2003 5:30 PM MST

Sat Shri akaal,

I am so touched by reading your posting. You have such innocence and purity in you. You have done nothing wrong! Its sad but God's will that your previous love wasn't in your Karma. Your present fiance, ofcourse is upset, u hid something from her. ITs natural, after all we all are humans. ITs not good to begin a lifelong relationship with lies, but you told the truth, better late then never. I just hope you can convince your fiance that you will be true to her, that past is past, its karma you had to take care of. It would be wrong to keep in touch with your previous friend behind your fiance's back. Whats done is done, which includes you not having a relationship with previous girl and you lying to your fiance. Convince her you can be true and lovable and loyal. You deserve it and she deserves it. A relationship such as marriage is doomed w/o trust, loyalty, and ability to put others needs, desires before yours. Its not necessary to do all of the above but the willingess needs to exist within you. I am married to a great guy. It was arranged/love, sort of both becuase our parents introduced us, and then we liked each other and ended up marrying each other. I myself gave up someone becuz i chose not to hurt or insult my parents. I know what amendments he's made with himself for me and what i have done for him. Thats the beauty of marriage, its all silently done but so satisfying.You could have the worst day but coming home to your husband/wife makes it all better. I am really sorry that your previous relationship didnt work out. You seem like a mature and reasonable person, you will understand that what isn't meant to be will not happen. Appreciate what you have now, beautiful sweet girl who will be your wife.Who will be the diamond in your family. Make her the happiest woman in the world, open her into your world & be openminded about her world. After all you two are meant to be. Let us know how the wedding goes. I can't tell you how proud I am of you for putting your parents first, they deserve it!
Lastly, SMILE =o)

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