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Summary of Question:Sikh And Muslim Marriages
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Thursday, 3/11/2004 8:07 AM MST

waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ke fateh...

I am a 19 year old sikh woman and i do consider myself to be religious. I follow things which i understand and believe is right such as doing my paat going to the gurdwara and doing sewa etc, although i do cut my hair. I have been with my boyfriend for 1 and a half years and he is muslim. Our relationship has been an on-off relationship because of the hassles we get for having different beliefs and choosing different ways of praying. He has never not once asked me to convert to his religion and tells me he appreciates the way i believe some things so strongly about my religion.

The problem is we just got engaged a month ago and i don't know if i should go through with the marriage or if my religion will allow me to? So many people are against us being together just because we hold different beliefs...especially my family. I hate lieing to my family but i feel as though im forced to do so when it comes to him.

I love him so much i feel like im torn between him and the rest of the world. What i don't understand is that out guru's made it so clear that we are all equal in God's eyes.So why can't sikhs and muslims still not be seen as equal in everyone's eyes?

We don't want to marry until another three years and i am upsetting him and myself by worrying sick about whether my guru would allow this to happen or not. Could you please advise me in whether or not it is actually allowed-marrying a muslim-or not. Would anyone be willing to marry us in a gurdwara because that is the only place i would ever want to get married. Is there anyone i could directly speak to in London or Southampton about gettin married to a muslim in a gurdwara?

Thankyou so much for your time...


Take the emotions out of your decision. Sit down with your self and think about what is really important to you in relation to your religion and marriage. For example, does it matter to you that you and your husband will not pray together? Does it matter to you that you will celebrate different holidays? How will you raise the children? Love is more than attraction and "chemistry" between two people. After you have thoroughly thought this out, discuss it all with your fiance. How does he feel about these things? I'm not saying that you can't work these things out, but its better to discuss it now before you marry. Don't be in an illusion. The decision you make will be with you for your life. Conflict erases love faster than anything. If you can work it out, go to one of the Gurdwaras in London and ask if you can be married there. Don't base your decision on what others think, but you must be realistic and practicle. Blessings, GTKK

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