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Summary of Question:Re: Marrying A White Girl
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 1/18/2002 9:05 AM MST

In reply to the 22 year old student who was on about Punjabi culture. I totally agree with the answer given be "DKK". It does not matter what colour your skin is. Culture is totally different to religion. I am a 19 year old student and I love learning, talking about sikhi and I am feel very happy and lucky that I have been taught about sikhi. I would love to one day take amrit. I also enjoy learning about my punjabi culture, i.e. where my parents are from. But there are good things and bad things about the punjabi culture as with most cultures that I know. It is good to learn about where your parents are from and where your ansestors are from. But to start mentioning pride....well....that is against sikhi. And also women are put down in punjabi culture which conflicts with sikhi.

Learn about cultures, pick out the good things and get rid of the bad things. I would love to marry anyone who is an honest and caring person weather they are white or punjabi or gujrati or pakistani or african or anything else.
At the end of the day, if you are true and honest, recognise God, thats all that matters.

Thank you


[email protected]

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