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Summary of Question:Imminent Surgery And My Conscience - Please Help!!!!
Date Posted:Saturday, 11/01/2003 1:15 AM MDT

Dear moderators,

I have a similar problem as written in the message entitled "Weight/ Breasts; Courage" on 7/23/2003. I'm a 20 something male with breasts that I've been embarrassed about for almost my whole life. The rest of my body is normal and even above average regarding physique, except for the breasts. I've been covering it up for most of my life. I am due for a surgery to remove these breasts very soon. I've spoken with a specialist and he states that I would have to diet down to such a low weight that it would be extremely difficult and would almost be dangerous for me if I were to try to get rid of them through diet and exercise. I regularly eat right and exercise regularly but I don't see much of a difference in them. The thing is, I'm going to take Amrit in a few months and I already have a beard. I feel guilty about going in for this operation but I know that if I don't I will feel self-conscious and have low self esteem about them for the rest of my life. PLEASE give me some advice.

ps. I was supposed to have the same operation a few years ago, but I cancelled the surgery and decided I wanted to work them off on my own. That didn't happen.


Everything we do in life has consciousness attached to it. You are the only one who can settle your guilt in relation to this upcoming surgery. From what you have said, I see no conflict with Sikh values. But what I think is not the important thing here. Examine your own consciousness. Ask yourself why you are having this surgery done. Building self-esteem is not a sin. What's important in life is what kind of a person you are. Are you kind, generous, sensitive to others...these things count in life. Whether you reduce your breasts or not will not be the deciding factor of your goodness as a person. Vow to your self that reducing your breasts will increase your self-esteem and therefore enable you to have more confidence to go out and be kinder and more giving with others. Allow the surgery to serve you by transform aspects of your personality which may be limited. Expand into the person you are suppose to be. Good luck. May Guru guide you and keep you safe. GTKK

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Imminent Surgery And My Conscience - Please Help!!!! (11/01/2003)
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