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Summary of Question:No Stop To Kaljug?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 3/30/2008 2:51 PM MDT

hello,i have been told we are in kaljug.i am trying to beocme a good person i am 17 and i try to listen to shabads and do my pat however i am to be atending university soon in septeber and im scared i will change i do not want to change as i feel i am on a good path of change i do not wish to be liek those other girls but yet i feel weak that i may become them.another thing,is why isnt a meesenger of God coming down to save us? for example in the other jugs treta sat there were all messngers of God that came down and changed all and made people good again yet here evrything is gettin worser as i get older i rember when i was young everything everyoen seemed so nice but as i grow older i am realising that this world n the peopl who occupy are it are not what they seem.why is no one considering the consquences of ther actions? why do people no care abt there sins? and most importantly why is not anyone coming to put an end to this so this jug can finish n a more nicer wun can start? thnak you for you time and assistance it is much appreicated.


Dear one,

Find friends like yourself who love Guru and read from the Guru. Kaljug is full of unGodly people but for the few blessed ones who are gifted with Guru and God consciousness there is more ease to merge into the Gurbani.

Universities have Sikh student groups. Look and find a school that has a Sikh student group and a Gurdwara. You are wise to seek support and a sikh peer group. Go to Sikh Youth Camp for peer support and take some Kundalini Yoga classes. You are yourself and you can choose to be yourself and not influenced by outside.

Also, I would recommend that you start your own Sehej Path in Gurmukhi and in English. Reading daily from Guru is very supportive. Reading in English will give you a very clear reference and you will develop an understanding of how Guru is guiding you each day. Reading in Gurmukhi will give you a stronger glandular system and strengthen your ten bodies to be bright and strong as a Khalsa woman. Stop thinking and worrying and live this moment in trust and gratitude. Enjoy your Shabd today.

Blessings to you,


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