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Summary of Question:Do Sikhs Believe In Horoscopes?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 1/18/2002 9:01 AM MST

does Guru Granth Sahib Ji tells us,that if horoscopes are true or not true?

Sat Siri AKaal. Siri Guru Granth Sahib does not say anything SPECIFICALLY in relation to horoscopes. While horoscopes can be amusing or interesting, it is not Sikh to believe in a horoscope. We have Guru, and Guru can change anyone's life, no matter what the planetary or other cosmic influences mandated in a horoscope or other kind of prophesying (e.g., numerology, tarot, psychic readings, palmistry, etc.). Moreover, to believe a forecast by horoscope or any other means can end in a self-fulfilling prophesy, where in your mind you believe something will happen, and you thus close off that perhaps Guru would make it different if his Gursikh would but turn the matter over to Guru!

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