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Summary of Question:Re. What Is Sikhism, And Beleiving Religion
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 3/03/2005 3:33 AM MST


just to answer your questions in my understanding of religion,

to understand the begining of the universe, first understand the true concept of Ek ON'G Kar, this is a journey I am trying to undertake at the moment, (the whole of Japji Sahib)

Also in regards to our religion, Sikhi, this means to learn, and the best way in my view to describe it is not to call it a religion, as it is an education really, as with any education, it is as big or as small as you will make it yourself. Sikhi is a journey not a destination, the destination is God or Param Gathi.

We have the holy knowledge, the Sahabd Guru himself, Guru Granth Sahib, as our teacher, and we the sikhs are the students.

Our journey to god will be full of obstacles, which reflect the karma you have acquired. the strong will make it, the weak will stray, yet the light of god is sooo bright that you will always find him even after straying.

So as for the person who does not belong to a religion, I dont beleive anybody does, we are all on the path to god, as long as you believe in god, you are a sikh.

People who see their religion as the only route to salvation are rationally bounded and have narrow vision. for example, a person who wished to study physics, just because he studies from a different school to somebody else, does not make him any less of a physicist.

Religions you can class as universities, we will analogise sikhsim to the best university. and other religions other unis, we have the best teachers, the best methodologies, and a true vision of what the truth is.

other religions will reflect other unis, they can reach god also, as they teach the same subject fundamentally, even though their theories may not be correct.

Take Sai Mian Mir, (the muslim holy man, who laid the foundation stone of the golde temple) had joined with god, (even tho he was a muslim) then the bani he wrote (as one with god) was included in the Guru Granth Sahib.

People who say that The guru Granth Sahib was written by men and not god are wrong, men who became god, (reached Param Gathi) worte the Guru Granth Sahib, thus God himself has written it.

In conclusion, Sikhism is an Education, a thought process....people who dont belong to a religion, are sikhs anyway, The Late Bhai Sant Singh Maskeen said it best, all new born babies in all of humanity, are born as the Sikh , they are close to god, pure, uncut hair, without worldly possesion, bear no emphasis on worldy pocession,

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Thanks for this perspective!

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