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Summary of Question:Simple Question..Not A Simple Answer
Date Posted:Monday, 4/02/2007 2:13 PM MDT


i have a very simple question for you guys. I want to find my soul inside myself.i have tried meditation. When do i know i have found it? Please tell me a journey i can follow to find that soul. Because finding your soul is finding your soul mate. So please let me know how i can find my soul?



(REPLY) Sat Nam. Truth is your identity. Your soul isn't lost. You're just not experiencing it! You can start to get that experience by accepting the fact that you are not your body, not your mind, not your emotions. Rather, you are already an immortal divine being. The inherent nature of the soul is joy, and our suffering in life is caused by our forgetting who we really are, by our sense of separation from the God who created us. By chanting God's Name repeatedly, by becoming aware of each incoming breath as God's gift of life, a reaffirmation of God's presence in us, we can awaken/remember the soul within us. Hundreds of thousands of people have found the practice of Kundalini Yoga assists in accelerating the opening up of this awareness --- it is a sacred science which utilizes many mantras, shabds written by our Gurus -- some even in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, and trains us to master the mind. We do sadhana, it is a way of "hugging your soul" every morning. Guru Ram Das said, "He who considers himself a Sikh of the Guru shall rise early in the morning and after bathing, bathe his mind in the tank of nectar of God's name" (That's not an exact translation of the quote, but you get the idea!) Reciting Japji every morning is where you begin your journey inwards on a daily basis. Japji Sahib has the mantric power to connect you with your soul. Guru Nanak said, "Manjeet, Jagjeet" Master the mind, you master the world. Reading all the banis, reading from the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, practicing the Golden Rule (Never do to others what you would not want them to do to you) and being aware that each inhalation is God blessing you with life itself is how you keep relating to your soul. Clear away the misconceptions and attachments to the impermanent "things" in your life, and your soul will shine so brightly that you won't have any trouble "finding" it. You still live in the world, and go to school, do your job, take care of your family -- whatever karma your soul has chosen for you to go through and LEARN from in this lifetime, but you use every opportunity to touch home base (relate to the God/soul within) during the busy hours of the day. Often saying "Ang Sang Wahe Guru" and "Sat Nam" resonates deep within the layers of "stuff" (physical and mental and emotional) that are covering up the light of the soul. May God bless you and Guru guide you on your journey inward. SP

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