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Summary of Question:Sikh Perspective On Sants?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 1/12/2004 1:38 PM MST

Hi, I have a question regarding sants. I got into a argument with my fiancee, her family believes in Sant Harnam Singh. And they celebrate his birthday and they even bow to his picture. I told her that I do not believe in Sants because I would rather follow what my Guru's tell me. I respect that some sants have done good things and stuff but other than that we should not hold in high regard, cause after all they are human like us. I just cant see myself following anyone else except my gurus? What is the Sikhi perspective on Sants?

Sat SIri Akal. Sikhs may recognize the sacred wisdom and light that true Sants appear to have, but the SIkh perspective on bowing to them is unequivocal: don't. The only Guru a Sikh bows to is Siri Guru in the form of Siri Guru Granth Sahib. More information: use Youth Forum search bar and put in 'matha'. If you get 0 responses, click fuzzy and variant boxes and you should see a number of responses. Thanks.

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Sikh Perspective On Sants? (01/12/2004)
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