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Summary of Question:Males Tying Their Uncut Hair Back
Date Posted:Tuesday, 11/26/2002 3:42 PM MST

sat sri akal, i am a 19 year old sikh living in newcastle, and i have uncut kesh, however i play a lot of football and therefore have decided that is more practical to tie my hair back towards the back of my head, i am constantly ridiculed because of this by my parents and older sikhs at the gurdwara. is there anything wrong with the way that i am tying my hair? or is it acceptable in sikhi?


Sat Siri Akal.

Well -you know - the idea is you tie your hair up because it helps channel the pranic energy to open the Tenth Gate. It's a meditation technique. Many Sikhs have forgoteen why the hair is tied on the top of the head, so it's just a tradition or ritual and their only response is to ridicule you to get you to keep doing it.

When you play football - tie your hair in the way that allows you to play your best. The rest of the time - keep the hair tied up. There's a reason for what the Gurus gave us and taught us. See if you can experience it.

All love,


When you play football,

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